The UPS Man

Our UPS man is named Dave. We are on a first name basis. I see him almost every day. More than almost anyone I know. I am thinking of inviting him for Thanksgiving this year. Our Fed Ex man is named Willie. I see him almost as much. Our postman is named Tony. As soon as he sees me walk into the post office, he smiles and walks to the store room to bring me a pile of packages. Dave, Willie and Tony always smile or laugh when they see me. They share my pain. Can you guess why? Have you ever heard of Rue La La? Whenever I see one of my family members gazing at their computer screen for more than a few minutes, I know that I can look forward to seeing Dave or Willie or Tony in 3-5 days.

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2 Responses to The UPS Man

  1. Melanie says:

    How sweet, they’re giving you great material to write about..and they’re not paying full price. Priceless.

  2. Kim says:

    Love those guys!!!

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